Well it has been a little bit since I have done an update, so here it is. Life has been completely crazy, I have been working crazy hours at work since they have changed my job role, I have gone from being Accounts Payable to being Human Resource Manager / Payroll. Learning a new job plus training on my old job has been hectic. At least things are beginning to calm down a little bit, I know there is a lot more to learn, but at least I feel like my head is at least above water.
I just have to post this picture first, my cousin Kim took it at my Grandparents 60th anniversary and I just love it!!!! Thanks Kim for sending it to me.
A few months ago Josh and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary, it doesn't feel like it has been that long, but I guess that is a good thing. We decided to use the time to do a little family "staycation." It was fun we spent a couple of nights in a hotel here locally so that we could at least save on some gas money and we got a good deal on a hotel. We took Malcom to the Living Planet Aquarium on one day. He loved it, I don't know if he realized that something was in the tanks, but he loved getting up and looking in them, he would get so mad when we tried to move on. Then the next day we went to the Dinasaur Museum in Ogden. It was fun, but it was sooooo hot, Malcom had the best fun feeding the fish and birds, he was so mad when we said it was time to go.
For the 24th, we got together with Josh's family and had a barbeque, went swimming and did fireworks. For the swimming, we have had such a hard time getting Malcom to play in the pool, he loves baths and plays for hours, but everytime we go to the pool he gets so scared, so we broke down and bought a swimsuit that has the built in foam to help him float, and he loves to swim, he loved that he could be away from mom and dad holding him, he even learned to move himself a little bit.
The last week in July, we went back up to Ogden to the Gathering of the Guard. Josh's mom and dad are involved in the Patriot Guard Riders, this is a group of Bikers that when invited by the family of a soldier that has been killed the hold flags in a line on the route from the funeral to the gravesite. This was started when the funerals were being protested and the families had to hear and see all sorts of negative things about their loved ones. Well the Gathering of the Guard is their yearly convention and his parents were heavily involved in the planning and so we went up to support them. It was so fun to visit with all the members and have a weekend with his family.

On the first day, there was a soldier killed and his family was attending the gathering. In Utah when a soldier is killed and they have young children, Build a Bear donates bears for the children, when they heard of this family they did the same thing and some friend of the family took them back home. Before they left, everyone gave them hugs to fill them with love. (This is Christa, Josh's brother Riley's wife)

They had mascots there to raise money by having pictured taken, and Grisbee got a hold of Josh's head. Malcom thought it was so funny.
August has thankfully been a little slower and a little more uneventful, but last week was a big doosy, It all started on Memorial Day. We have had a problem with our battub turning itself on at random times, we would come home from work and have it running full blast, so we decided we need to see if we could fix it. Anyone we told the problem to seemed to agree that we needed to replace the valve. Well we decided to have this be a project for Josh's day off. Well then we got the call that Josh's grandma had a stroke and that she most likely would not survive the night. Well she died Tuesday morning. Josh had a hard time with it because he had not seen her since we got married. She was put in a home because she had Alsheimers and was deterioting and he didn't want to go visit when she didn't know who he was, so he wouldn't go.
On Wednesday he tried to fix the valve and couldn't so I called my Grandpa for help, he came to look at it and said the whole thing needed to be replaced and we couldn't do it until we got a new fixture, adn we couldn't do that until Friday and we couldn't turn on the water till it was fixed. Thank heavens for family, I was at my limit everything made me cry and I didn't know what to do, so we packed up a few days necessities and went to my mom's until Friday when Josh was able to fix the pipes. I am so proud of him, he was able to do it by himself. Now all we have to do is replace the tiles.
On Saturday we went to Josh's grandma's funeral, it was very nice to see all the family again, it was just sad that it had to be on such a sad occasion. Well we can now hope that thing will calm down a little bit, I just want some peace and quiet, I have had too much excitement for one year.