The other day Malcom came crawling into my room with this hat that Grandma Rowley made for him. I had it put in a box to go into storage because it was getting too small for him. He came to me and was trying to put it on and so I did and this is what he looked like. He was so cute and so I snapped some pictures.
I love this shot. Brenda (my sister) went for a drive up Butterfield Canyon and caught this picture. I can't believe that Malcom will be 1 next week. Time flies so fast and he is such big boy now. I am so blessed because he is so easy, he has been sleeping through the night since he was 2 months old, he hardly ever cries, although he does have a temper and lets you know when he is mad. He weened himself off his binky and is now doing the same with his bottle. I know that when we have another child, Iam realy in for it because they are going to be like me.
Well there is my quick update for now.
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