Well it has been crazy with getting through Thanksgiving and now Christmas. It doesn't help that it is year end at work and that makes even more busy. Well enough of that, time to catch up. Malcom is still going strong, he is into everything and is a challenge in that way, I have to constantly close doors or cabints. I put child locks on the cabinets and he has now learned that he can turn the knob and get it off! We are really blessed in other ways, he goes to bed so well, if he is not in bed by 7:00 at night he is a holy terror. It is nice having a child that begs to go to bed.
We had to transition to a toddler bed, he discovered that he could climb on the hamper and out of his crib. He was so excited to have the new bed because he can climb in and out when he wants. The other day we went into his room and this is what we found!
We had to transition to a toddler bed, he discovered that he could climb on the hamper and out of his crib. He was so excited to have the new bed because he can climb in and out when he wants. The other day we went into his room and this is what we found!

He is such a cute stincker.
Just after Thanksgiving Brett and Caroline had their baby Patrick Steven Terry. He is so cute and it is fun to have a new little one in the family.
Christmas came quick this year and was crazy, Malcom was cute, every time that he ripped the paper he would laugh. It was fun having him old enough to actually open the gifts.
The saturday after Christmas we had the Porter-Crotts Reunion (Josh's mom's family). We went to Alpine and had dinner and learned some information about family members. It was fun to have the family together. Before we left we took a picture of Grandpa Port and 6 of the 9 great-grandkids that were there.
Finally the best we are gonna get.
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